How I Work
Corporate Coaching, Facilitation and Career Counselling offer the capacity to improve the motivation and skills of individuals, providing opportunities to deploy ideas, abilities and knowledge effectively strengthening and building relationships, ultimately enhancing overall performance and intellectual and emotional wellbeing
To do this I use a number of interventions, tools and techniques that are practical and insightful and inspirational. I’m licensed to use the
100 Watt Coaching System.
In my private work I use the Integrative Coaching model, amongst others.

© Passmore 2007
Ref: Passmore, J. (2007). Integrative coaching: a model for executive coaching', Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, America Psychology Association. 59(1), 68-78.
This article can be found in Excellence in Coaching; An industry guide. London: Kogan Page
The important thing for me is to be open and flexible, tailoring my approach to each situation presented.
I am trained to listen, observe and to customise my approach to individual client and business needs. I believe that clients are naturally creative and resourceful when achieving potential in their business and personal lives.
I seek to elicit strategies and solutions alongside of you, my role is to support you in enhancing the skills, resources, strengths and capabilities that you already have, and to maximise your future potential and success.
As a member of the European Coaching Institute, I abide by the following core values as a basis for Professional Standards:
- integrity – mutual respect, positive regard, client centred
- honesty – being open, ironing out the unconscious behaviours that limit success
- transparency – what’s right, what’s wanted and what’s needed to get there
- excellence – seeking out what makes you special, brilliant and successful
- care – understanding your problems, pressures and priorities
- professionalism – passion, compassion, empathy, trustworthiness and reliability
- accountability – replacing drift, luck and coincidence with proactive self management