Career Counselling

Career counselling will help you recognise and appreciate the skills and experience that you have accumulated and indentify potential opportunities that are consistent with your personal and family life.

Do any of these, sound familiar?

  • Finding your career no longer fulfilling, maybe your career priorities have changed?
  • Do you feel you are ready for a more challenging role and greater financial reward?
  • Made redundant or thinking it could be about to happen?
  • Experiencing seemingly insurmountable challenges at work?
  • Leaving university with nothing lined up?
  • Returning to work after a period of absence?
  • Thinking about retirement and what this means for you?

If you answered ‘yes’ to one of these questions then Career Counselling can set you on the right track.

If you answered ‘yes’ to more than one of these questions then a full, in depth Career Review will pave the way to successful future growth.

The next step…click here to go to “how I work

Contact me here to arrange a free confidential exploratory discussion

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