Benefits Of Coaching
Typically clients report that the power of coaching results in:
Benefits for the individual |
- gain new perspectives on leadership, managerial and interpersonal knowledge skills and behaviours
- an objective and confidential setting in which to explore new ideas, ways of behaving and thinking
- broadening personal networking and influencing skills
- more self aware, positive regard for others
- deepening ability to understand, motivate and lead others
- capitalise / build effective relationships with colleagues
- more confidence in dealing with complex organisational environments in the midst of significant change
- have greater confidence
- creates a positive impact on performance
- accelerated career development
- helps sort out personal issues, that might otherwise impact on work
- supports new in post, recently promoted
Benefits for the organisation |
- improved productivity, quality, customer
service and shareholder value
- improved cost efficiencies and effective use of resources
- increases engagement – demonstrates organisational commitment to development
- increased self awareness of own and others capability and strengths
- retention of high performers, reduction in absenteeism
- enhanced team engagement, motivation and willingness to go the extra mile
- energy and confidence and to tackle ‘real time’ performance management issues
- addressing conflict and working relationships that hinder rather than promote success
- greater adaptability for change
- targeted development – not ‘one size fits all’ approach
What others say….
'…..of those surveyed the top three reasons coaches are engaged were to: develop high potentials and facilitate change [48%] act as a sounding board [26%] address derailing behaviour [12%]'
Harvard Business Review Research Report Jan 2009.
'…Coaching is taken for granted in the world of sport where individuals and teams have a coach to provide motivation, enhance skills and refine performance….Executive coaching works best when used to help individuals address specific professional development issues or to assist when taking on a particularly challenging work role of project.'
Institute of Directors 2009
'The Association of Coaching showed that executives who had undergone coaching were reporting higher levels of self awareness which then led to higher emotional intelligence. People and teams who are more aware and emotionally intelligent widen their choices and make better informed decisions.'
People and Organisations @ Work 2008