Career Management

The working environment is constantly changing and evolving, creating an insecure and uncertain job market. Career Management is a necessary survival skill; Career Management is about making choices and decisions, which will help protect our major source of revenue – our job!

Do any of these, sound familiar?

  • Wondering why others seem to get promoted more quickly?
  • Still in the same job, despite attending training courses?
  • Long to be offered opportunities so easily gained by others?
  • Think your skills, knowledge and experience have moved on – but no one seems to have noticed?
  • Feel it is now time for your next big career move, but not sure which route to take?

One thing is certain; others do not simply walk into their roles. They will have carefully managed their career at every step of the ladder, sometimes taking a sideways step, maybe even a backward step as a way of achieving their ultimate career goal.

Sometimes we lose sight of whose responsibility it is to manage our career – let’s be clear ‘it is YOURS’, no one else is going to do it for you.

By working together we can:

  • Think through where you are now
  • Assist you in gaining clarity about the changes you want to make
  • Break through old habits and ways of thinking and behaving
  • Scope out a plan of action

To be successful, Career Management only requires a small investment of time, energy and resource to define your career objective, capitalise on the ‘dance’ of building formal and informal networks, improve your marketability and support you in proactively seeking out the opportunities that match your skills, experience and career aspirations

Contact me here to arrange a free confidential exploratory discussion

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