
As we grow up, each year is planned for us. When in kindergarten, we know we will move up into nursery, from nursery into primary school and then before we know it the first big step change - into ‘big’ school. Here the first year can be hell. Who can honestly say they like being the ‘new kid on the block’?

Then life settles down for a bit [apart from the excitement, energy, trials and tribulations of teenage years] then you take exams. Next big decision: travel, work or university? Often there is pressure to follow the University route, and / or due to economic circumstances the right job is just not available….so Uni it is, with the next three to four years taken care of [independence, hard work balanced with a great social life and long term friends]…then Ouch! It all comes to an end…Now what!

Do any of these, sound familiar?

  • The degree you thought was a good idea – is not what you want to do for the rest of your life?
  • Parents, guardians are making noises about you standing on your own two feet, leaving home, finding a place of your own?
  • Not sure how to capture your life experiences to date in a way that gets you the career you aspire to?
  • Everyone giving you advice, making suggestions…but they don’t really understand you?
  • Regretting not having sorted something out earlier?
  • Joined a graduate scheme – only to realise it is not an area you want to stay in?
  • The years ahead seem to be vast, empty and let’s face it - a little scary?
  • Feeling loss of confidence and overwhelmed, as your friends seem ‘to be sorted’!

I provide independent support and encouragement that helps you think through an action plan, that ‘kick starts’ the rest of your life!

This might be using personal profiling tools to help you understand how you think, behave and make decisions, the Career Puzzle action plan [hyper link to returning to work puzzle] to find the right career / job for you now and in the future, support with managing the expectations of family, friends, peers, and finally ongoing encouragement and motivation to inspire you to achieve the goals and objectives that are important to you.

Contact me here to arrange a free confidential exploratory discussion

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