Relationships at work

Work would be a lot more fun if it was possible to choose colleagues and pick a great manager, but in reality it is important to learn to work with everyone. As much as we might like sometimes to tell work colleagues, peers, the boss and even clients and customers to get lost, it is not the best course of action!

Do any of these, sound familiar?

  • Finding yourself in conflict with some people, but not others?
  • Caught up in power struggles and office politics?
  • Managing an over / undemanding boss?
  • Not being listened to, ignored in meetings?
  • Dealing with being passed over for promotion without feeling bitter?
  • Uncertain about how to confront underperformance in others?
  • Managing the expectations of high flyers?
  • Frustrated when others don’t deliver for you, despite having promised to do so??
  • Thinking that ‘others’ get the best jobs?
  • Getting confused between wanting to be liked and managing the team?

Just as there are poor doctors and teachers, there are poor work colleagues. Just because people are more senior to you does not necessarily mean they are good at their job – in fact the organisation might be well aware of their limitations but choose to ignore it ‘because they deliver’… but what get’s missed is the trail of human debris left behind!

Not matter what work relationship challenges you are having to deal with it is important are you able to deal with the problem as soon as possible, so the issue does not fester and grow out of proportion, and in a worst case scenario result in you looking for a new role.

We work together to get a real understanding of what the problem is, probing to find out what ‘sits under the surface’ bringing into the open your real thoughts and feelings about the issue. We may use a number of profiling tools to help you understand how you interact with others at work. We then create strategies for addressing the problem in an appropriate, professional and timely manner, ultimately enhancing your interactions with others is a way that makes work satisfying and a pleasant place to be – after all we spend enough time there so we might as well enjoy it.

Contact me here to arrange a free confidential exploratory discussion

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